01 02 03 Down In My Heart Joy!: An Ukelele, A Kazoo, and Skiens and Skiens of Rope 04 05 15 16 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 31 32 33

An Ukelele, A Kazoo, and Skiens and Skiens of Rope



Kristin's dad came to visit for an afternoon.  He brought scrapbooks and treasures from a grandmother who had recently passed away.  Some jewelry and mementos in a little box.  Extremely old letters with handwriting and vocabulary so antiquated it was difficult to make out.

We celebrated Zeke's belated birthday and Grandpa gave him the BEST gift.  A giant box full of crayons and paper and various art supplies, plus skiens and skiens of rope.  Zeke loves to tie things up, and Grandpa gave him enough rope to tie to his heart's delight.



Then, because he is a musician and a music teacher, Grandpa played the ukelele.  He made up silly songs involving Zeke and Jax and various animals.  Zeke kept begging for more and playing along with his kazoo.  He made us all laugh.  Jax was enthralled.




And then there were tickles and giggles galore.

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