These colors are my very favorite colors to wear. Turquoise blue, teal green, mint.... I have so much of this in my wardrobe, and Jax's wardrobe too. I wanted this wrap from the moment I first saw it online, and I eventually found it for a great price. By that time, Jax doesn't want to be carried as much, and when he does, he doesn't want to wait around for me to wrap. Such is life with an eighteen-month old. I'm still finding my "place" in baby wearing, so this lovely went back up for sale. Didymos makes this wrap in a mei tai, which might tempt me one day when we have another baby.....
The brand is Didymos, one of the brands that has been around the longest, and stood the test of time and quality.
Iris is the name of this wrap - or the "colorway" as they say.
This is the only size 4 I've owned, and it was actually kind of a fun length for me. I wasn't expecting to like it, since it's too long to be a shorty, and too short to do a double hammock (which requires a size 5 for me).
This particular wrap was not an original size 4, but was a piece cut or "chopped" from a longer wrap. I think the original owner kept the other piece for a shorty or a ring sling, and sold this piece back out as a size 4 wrap.
It medium thickness, almost exactly the same thickness as the Didymos Anthracite I posted a while back. It was pretty new, so it was soft-ish, but not squishy soft like many other things I've touched.
It's a pretty popular color, and I've seen a lot of it online or even locally with baby wearing mamas. People love these colors!
This is a very simple carry I'm doing here. It starts as just a "ruck" which means he is on my back and the straps come over the front of my shoulders. Then it goes back around behind his bum, over and under his legs. If the wrap was shorter, I could tie it under his bum at that point, or tie it in front of my waist. But I had more fabric than that, so I wrapped it around my waist then back behind me again.
I like how sometimes a wrap carry can almost become like part of the clothing you're wearing.