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Six Weeks

6 Weeks - Green Pea

Dear Beta,

You are the size of a green pea this week.  The hormones in my body that keep you alive have started to make my tummy a grumpy bear, and have given my nose the sensitivity of a military bomb dog.  That is okay though, because I know it means that you are still alive and growing.

This is the photo we made in order to tell people about you.  We made it late at night, on the street in front of our house.  We borrowed some sparklers from some friends, did some internet searching on how to make sparkler photos, and set off with our camera and tripod.  I got the camera ready while Benjamin lit the sparkler.  Once it was lit, he yelled "Go!" at me.  I pressed the "go" (shutter) button, and ran over to where the end of the word would be, and waited.  Meanwhile, Benjamin was quickly "writing" the word in the dark sky, spacing himself by watching where I was standing.  When he got to me, we kissed while standing very, very still so the remaining blaze of the sparkler would light us up without our bodies moving around too much.  This was the last of five or six attempts, and it came out perfect.  What a fun way to introduce you to the world!

This week we started looking for a very special person to help you safely enter the world.  Your transition from simple, watery darkness into bright, active air will be a shocking one for you.  It is so important to me where, and how, you make this transition.  It can make all the difference of life and health for you, and can affect your future in countless ways.  I want only the best for you.  Only the quietest, gentlest, safest journey for you.

I want you to be born in our home.  It is a home we share with my parents, but I hope you can be born in the space that is lived in by me and Benjamin, and now you.  I hope you can be born in water, the same substance you will have known as your only surroundings. 

A baby has been born in this home before.  His arrival was safe and beautiful.  He forged a good path for you to follow.

When that day comes that you arrive, this will be a good thing for you and I to remember, “ ‘You must go to everyone I send you to and say whatever I command you.  Do not be afraid, for I am with you and will rescue you,’ declared the Lord.”  (Jeremiah 1:7-8)

Five Weeks
Four Weeks

tags: six weeks pregnant, 6 weeks pregnant, pregnancy blog, six week size, what size, fetus, development, baby, belly, praying for baby, pray   


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