01 02 03 Down In My Heart Joy!: Twenty One Weeks 04 05 15 16 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 31 32 33

Twenty One Weeks


Dear Beta,

You know all my ticklish spots.  If I forget, you remind me.

Ever since I was a little girl, I loathed to be tickled.  This stemmed primarily from a friend of my parents who would continue tickling me, at the most inopportune moments when I was not allowed to run away (for example, the dinner table), even when I begged to stop.  Once in college, I threatened to slap a young man who insisted on tickling me (flirting I’m sure).  One day I had enough and slapped him on the cheek.  He was a friend, so everyone around was shocked.  I said simply, “I warned you,” (we remained friends sans tickling).

Your Daddy has always been disappointed that I never allow him to tickle me.  Apparently some people enjoy it.  He does!  In small doses, and I always stop quickly, usually before he even asks.

But you.  You bump in the most ticklish parts of my belly and sides.  You woke me once in the middle of the night.  My body jerked instinctively, my reflex to your strong movement in one of my most ticklish places.  Last night as I was falling asleep, I had to shift positions to the other side of my body, hoping you would move away from the side of my belly you were repeatedly tickling.  During the day, sometimes I can push and prod you enough to scoot you away.  Other times, I press my hand against my belly, giving counter pressure that eases the tickle.

I am convinced you are determined to teach me to like it.

One morning this week, I woke up to feel you high in my belly, almost “floating” to the top.  You felt almost exactly the size of the yellow squash in last week’s photo.  I could press my hands around you, and feel the size and shape of your body.  You were laying horizontally (transverse) just under my belly button.  The “feet end” of you bumped and kicked against my stomach to the right.  The “head end” of you was round and firm to my left.

When I pushed with my left hand against your head, your body slid to my right; when I pushed with my right hand against your feet, your body slid to my left, like a seesaw.  I lay there, pushing you back and forth, trying to believe I was really feeling your entire body inside me.  Eventually, you moved away from my prodding, lower in your house where my hands are not skilled enough to find you.

Your Daddy keeps asking if I am hurting you when I press to find you in my belly.  So I emailed our dear midwife explaining what I felt and did.  She reassured me you are well protected, and said kindly, “You are learning to play with your baby!”  She said, as I experienced, that you will move away when you are done playing.

Last night, your Daddy played a game he has been teaching you for a couple weeks now.  He counts slowly to three, then says “Poke, poke!” and pokes down into my belly where we last felt you move.  At least half the time, you push back against his poke!

We also think we felt your hand.  Your feet were bumping strongly against my right side, and in the center of my stomach, just below my belly button, we could feel a tiny round firm spot that would press back against one of our fingers when we pushed down.

We can play with you Beta, and you’re not even earthside yet!  It makes me want to meet you even more.  But I can be at peace, because you are safe.  Safe in the most perfectly designed place for you to grow and thrive.

This week, you are the size of a sweet potato.  Your head is about two inches long, and your body from head to heel is a bit over ten inches in length!

You are swallowing more amniotic fluid, and your small intestine can now absorb a small amount of sugars from the fluid.  Your tongue is fully formed, and aids in swallowing.

As fat deposits increase under your skin, your skin is gradually losing its transparency.  Since your heart is experiencing a spurt in development, your overall growth in weight and length will slow a bit, allowing your body to focus on strengthening the heart.

Blood cells have previously been made in your liver and spleen, but now your bone marrow is taking over that job.  Leukocytes, white blood cells, are being produced in your bone marrow.  They are a key part of your immune system.

Your wake and sleep periods will theoretically become more consistent, as you increasingly respond to light and darkness, and lack of motion when I am sleeping.

As your muscles grow stronger, so do your movements!  In a few months, you will gradually run out of space to move as much, so for now, you are making good use of your strength and freedom.

Best of all, you have been hearing long enough where you can recognize my voice, and other important voices that speak to you often, such as your Daddy (and most likely my co-workers!).

Since we will not find out your gender before birth, I decided to search the internet to speculate!

According to an ancient Chinese lunar calendar, which predicts gender by comparing the mother’s age at conception and the baby’s month of conception, you will be a girl.

According to my answers to old wives’ tales, you will be a girl.

Here are the questions of the various old wives’ tales:
-          Is the mother carrying high or low?
-          Does the mother crave sweet or salty?
-          Is the baby’s heart rate above or below 140 beats per minute?
-          Is the color of the mother’s urine bright or dull yellow?
-          Does the mother’s pillow face south or north?
-          Was the month of conception even or odd?
-          Are the mother’s feet colder than before?
-          Is the hair on the mother’s legs growing faster than before?
-          Has the mother’s breast development been dramatic?
-          Does the mother like to eat the heel of a loaf of bread?

Since there is a lot of proven wisdom and effectiveness in ancient Chinese medicine, I tend to believe their lunar calendar chart.  The old wives’ tales are a bit odd.  A friend thinks women pregnant with girls have bellies that are more “forward and round”, and women pregnant with boys have bellies that are more “sideways and wide.”  Another friend’s mother, who had five boys and one girl, says carrying a girl makes the mom’s behind wider!

Last night, your Daddy read you verses from a book called, “God’s Promises.”  It was a recent gift from his Grandma Marie, his mother’s mother, your Great Grandmother.  The book is a little thing, full of beautiful promises from Scripture, sorted and categorized.  He read you a few classic verses about children and families.  “These are just for you, Beta,” he began.

“Honor your father and mother. Then you will live a long, full life in the land the Lord your God is giving you.”  (Deuteronomy 5:16 and Exodus 20:12)

As a side note, your cousins Isabel and Aidan pray for you each night when they go to bed.  Of his own volition, Aidan’s prayer has been that you would obey your Mommy and Daddy!

“Children are a gift from the Lord; they are a reward from Him.
Children born to a young man are like arrows in a warrior’s hands.
How joyful is the man whose quiver is full of them!
He will not be put to shame when he confronts his accusers at the city gates.”  (Psalm 127:3-5)

Twenty Weeks
Nineteen Weeks
Eighteen Weeks
Seventeen Weeks
Sixteen Weeks
Fifteen Weeks
Fourteen Weeks
Thirteen Weeks
Twelve Weeks
Eleven Weeks
Ten Weeks
Nine Weeks
Eight Weeks 
Seven Weeks
Six Weeks
Five Weeks
Four Weeks

tags: twenty one weeks 21 weeks pregnant pregnancy blog, twenty one week size, what size, development, fetal, fetus, baby, belly, praying for baby, pray


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